July 6, 2020 |
wine |
Pacific Rim
German Dessert Wines
Beerenauslese (BA) & Eiswein Minimum Must Weight by Region 110 Oe. or 25.8 Bx - Msr 120 Oe. or 27.9 Bx - N, P, Rh 124 Oe. or 28.7 Bx - F 125 Oe. or 33.9 Bx - Rg Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA) 150 Oe. or 33.9 Bx - All Regions
Each estate can bottle select wines as a “Gold Cap” (similar to a reserve bottling). The most notable is the Gold Cap Auslese (GKA), or even more recherché, the “Long Gold Cap.” Gold Cap wines are primarily found at Auslese level, but can also be made at BA, TBA and Eiswein levels.