Pacific Rim
May 13, 2022 | Pacific Rim

May 25th: How to Celebrate National Wine Day

Wine grapes have been grown for at least several thousand years, but it is only recently that the online world has started to celebrate National Wine Day. With the power of cyberspace, not only do many nations celebrate this holiday, but they also have days for the celebration of different types of wine.  Today, there are at least 17 days of wine celebrations throughout the year, each day rejoicing with a different wine. In some months, there may be multiple wine celebration days.

national wine day celebration with friends

This special day is celebrated on May 25 of each year but there is no clear-cut answer as to how this tradition started. It appears that at least a decade ago, some people got together to drink wine and decided to call it National Wine Day. In any case, despite its obscure beginnings, the event is celebrated by many people all over the globe. 

This national holiday is much like Valentine’s Day or St. Patrick’s Day without the razzmatazz. Wine drinkers gather together in wine for celebration either in their homes or at a restaurant. There is no special wine that has to be consumed on this special day; you are free to pick one or more wines and enjoy them with your friends and family as you wish. However, wine is best paired with some type of food. If it is a casual meeting at home, you may want to select snacks, cheese, pizza, nuts, spicy foods, and so on. But if you plan to go out to a restaurant, then the wine you consume will depend on the food you order.

There is much more to National Wine Day than just drinking wine and having a good time. The idea of the national event is to support local wine shops, producers, and wine bars throughout the year. The past two years have been a real struggle for the wine industry.

Secondly, holiday occasion is all about safe drinking. Everyone needs to enjoy wine in moderation and not drink in excess. Too much wine can be damaging to health. Health experts recommend two wine glasses for adult males and one wine glass for adult females. Numerous studies reveal that light-to-moderate consumption of wine may slightly lower the risk of developing heart disease.


Before you decide to celebrate the national holiday with your friends and family, at least buy one bottle of the wine and taste it before you buy it in bulk. The last thing you want is to buy wine which no one likes. Just because you had a similar wine for celebration in a restaurant a few weeks ago does not mean it will taste the same when bought from a wine store. Further, make sure you have ample wine to celebrate National Wine Day so that none of your guests miss out. Ideally, for ten people, you should have at least 6-10 bottles of wine on hand. Finally, try and pair the wine with the food you are serving. 

Here are some affordable wine suggestions if you decide to celebrate National Wine Day.





If you have any questions about choosing a wine to celebrate with, call Pacific Rim & Company at 1-503-863-5454.  Our enthusiastic employees can speak with you knowledgeably about wine.


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