Pacific Rim
July 22, 2022 | wine | Pacific Rim

What Wine Goes Well with Dessert?

Dessert and wine have long been a perfect combination for almost any meal, and Pacific Rim wines continue that tradition. Our wine choices can enhance the taste and create an additional flavor profile for this important meal course. What wine goes well with dessert, though, and which Pacific Rim wine should you order now for your next dinner party? 

  • Chocolate Desserts: Nothing pairs quite as well with a chocolate-based dessert as a red wine. Cocoa beans have a naturally fruity flavor, and that is accentuated by the fruity underpinnings in a red wine. The key, though, is to match intensities. Sometimes the strong flavors of both can overwhelm each other, creating a final course for your dinner that is just too much. 
  • Citrus Desserts: A Riesling ice wine pairing is ideal for a citrus dessert. Rieslings naturally balance both apple and citrus flavors, so they’re light and crisp, matching the notes in your dessert. 
  • Fruit Desserts: Apple and pear based desserts tend to work really well when you have an option that offers a higher level of acidity and sweeter flavors. A Chenin Blanc would work well here, as would a sweet Riesling. 
  • Creamy Desserts: If you have a creamier dessert, you’ll want something that has a heavy level of acidity to cut the extreme sweetness of the dessert itself. You’ll want to consider a Pinot Noir or a dry Riesling for these kinds of options. 
  • Spiced Desserts: Those dishes that feature lots of baking spices like cinnamon and cloves are usually sweet and spicy, so you’ll likely want to pair them with a dessert wine like red dessert wine or something equally as sweet to help compliment the flavors of the dish itself. 

Not sure which of our wines to pair with your next dessert? Consider our custom case membership and choose 6 bottles of Pacific Rim so you can try a variety of options with the dishes you plan to prepare in the near future. 


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